My Summer.. Has been really good. It's still not too hot, so my job at the flowermarket is still ok. Just that I never actually thought that roses were so damnly annoying. You know, carrying them all the freaking time around to find out to which of those idiots it was ordered is not funny. Just not at all. Yeah. My work buddies aren't that special. Just bunch of idiots. And me with those "champagne" roses fit in just too perfectly. The worst part? Watching how my classmates humble around and watch for the perfect flowers for their special one's. And I'm standing there next to my boss all smiley whiney because I have to, daaa, that's my job. Guess how many times a guy can change his mind in about half an hour? And how many kinds of flowers he wants to see just to say in the end- "The champagne roses will be fine to my hon". Welcome to my life.
I've been so fed up with outer world that I've gone shopping nearly every weekend. If we forget those necessary trips to grandma and grandpa, who think that I'm not doing anything important nowadays. As if I did anything important when I was twelve. What I've bought? Cd:s. Dresses. Shorts. Lots of shoes. Skirts. Amazing- now I have so many things to the whole next year that I won't be shopping anytime soon. At least not in a year.
I really think I will be waiting for the university time when I will be out of this place. More than ever.