tiistai 10. elokuuta 2010

She and He is a Them?

The school's starting in few days.. And my parents are off, as well as my friends are. So on one side, I have the whole house to myself, but then.. There's nothing I could do. Because, let's face it, it is somehow pathetic to sit alone in a house when no one is around, and trying to have fun. Drink? It seems to be called Alcoholic Problem nowadays to drink alone without a heartbreak or some friends around one. I don't really dare to go outside now, for there are those classmates of mine there (pathetic, I know.) and staying inside is just strange. So now I'm deciding what to do.. And I have no freaking idea. :D Just my luck, to have this opportunity and not use it.
I have been sitting on the balcony the whole day now.. Right after I bid my good- byes to my dearest parents. Taste the sarcastic flow, now will you? :) Oh just don't. It could possibly ruin your affections towards me. If there are even any.
Anyways, I thought that I might try to do some Ginger Ale now, since I have nothing to do (shush, everyone forgets about repeating last years stuff to this year of miserable school life, and no one has to remember any books which we were given to read during the summer..)
and have some time to use now. And then I had those few things to cook. For example, I found this pretty amazing salad, and a pie.. Oh, I just have to do it.. :D
This is just boring. And now it's raining outside.. :P Why am I even writing this? :)
Now, I know what to do- I will write here stuff out of my Black Book! Before you will laugh, I want to say this: This is pure insanity. What if someone will someday recognize me.. Let's say, it happens. I do then this: pack up my stuff, change my name and move to another side of the country. Easy.

She and he is Them?

I spent the whole day with her. And guess what she's talking about? Him.
Now, let me explain. I care about her. Much. After all, we've been friends like forever- yeah, for me eleven years is forever. Now, after my long waiting, she's fallen in madly likeness. (I don't know what Love is, do I?) She madly likes him, spends nearly every second thinking about him, talking about him. I hope he won't do the Facebook Follower's Test. She would be completely ruined. Humiliated.
After all this long telling, can we (me and me from the future, btw hi!) assume that they are in a relationship?
Relationship? Yeah.
Romantic one? Kinda.
What the hack does that mean? Yep. No idea. Is a romantic relationship something where they snog&care? Because these do care. Not snog. As far as I know, if they would, she would come jumping out of joy to me. This mysterio is surely getting deeper. He calls her from 1000miles, she talks all night with him on phone. She wants to get some fresh air after school, he tramps with her all around the town and lake, catches cold (no shit, Sherlock. Freaking six hours outside without a jacket in cold!) in the middle of the big exams week. In school they don't identify each other. Strolling beside each other like anything would matter. And then cursing and blushing.
Someone tell me, is there a THEM?

Now. This is it. I made it. :)


P.s. yeap. Def Ginger Ale tomorrow.. :D

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